Version: 4.0.1

E2E Tests

The Stratos E2E test suite exercises the Stratos UI using protractor/web-driver.

The tests require a Stratos instance to be running (front-end and back-end) and for a Cloud Foundry to be available to use for testing.

Developers' should be aware that:

  • The E2E tests are destructive on the Stratos system being tested - since they test endpoint registration, they will un-register any existing endpoints.
  • The E2E tests will create orgs, spaces, applications, routes, etc in the Cloud Foundry instance that is specified. Tests should automatically tidy up afterwards unless stopped abruptly.



The test run via NPM, which should be installed the normal way.

Cloud Foundry

The tests require an instance of Cloud Foundry with the following:

  • A user with cloud-controller.admin scope (i.e. an Cloud Foundry admin)
  • A user without cloud-controller.admin scope (i.e. a regular Cloud Foundry user)
  • A user which both scim.invite and cloud_controller.admin (i.e. a Cloud Foundry user that can use the invite user feature)
  • A number of pre-existing orgs, spaces with appropriate roles applied to the admin and non-admin users
  • A number of other Cloud Foundry entities

To meet the above requirements we recommend running the Stratos CF E2E set up script which is kept up to date with the latest test requirements. More information can be found below.

Before running the E2E tests, you need to create a file named secrets.yaml in the root of the Stratos folder. An example template is included in src/test-e2e/secrets.yaml.example - copy this to secrets.yaml and edit accordingly.

If you want to run the tests in headless Chrome, add the following to the secrets file:

headless: true

Running the E2E Set up Script

The script can be found in deploy/tools/

Minimum Requirements

  • CF CLI
  • A user with cloud-controller.admin scope (i.e. an Cloud Foundry admin)

Script Output

The script does a number of things, including but not exclusively...

  • Creates test CF users
  • Creates an organisation and space to test a subset of features in, including assigning roles to certain configured users
  • Clones a basic CF application from github and pushes to the test org/space
  • Creates a new user in uaa which will be used to configure the Invite User feature
  • Enables deploying applications from docker
  • Creates a number of public, private and space scoped services from applications it pushes to CF

Running the Script

Please see the file itself for a list of required properties. Some have defaults in. We would recommend updating at least

  • ADMIN - Username for the CF admin
  • ADMIN_PASS - Password for the CF admin
  • CF_API_ENDPOINT - CF to test against
  • UAA_CLI_CMD - UAA CLI command
  • UAA_ENDPOINT - UAA endpoint used by CF
  • ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET - UAA admin client's secret
  • UAA_ZONE - Leave blank if no zone is required

Configure Tests To Use Script Output

Given the output of the script, the following template can be used to update the CF section of secrets.yaml

- name: cf
url: <CF_URL>
skipSSLValidation: true
testOrg: e2e
testSpace: e2e
testService: app-autoscaler
bindApp: go-env
name: public-service
name: private-service
invalidOrgName: test-e2e
invalidSpaceName: test-e2e
name: space-scoped-service
invalidOrgName: test-e2e
invalidSpaceName: test-e2e
username: e2e
password: changeme
username: e2e-remove-user
password: changeme
clientId: stratos-invite
clientSecret: changeme
clientId: <uaa client id>
clientSecret: <uaa client secret>
tokenEndpoint: <uaa endpoint>
zone: <uaa zone>

Tidying up test generated CF entities

If tests are stopped before completing or fail to clean old test artifacts will exist in the CF. To clean some of these please see the script at deploy/ci/automation/

Running the tests

To run the tests against an instance of Stratos execute

STRATOS_E2E_BASE_URL=<URL of stratos> ng e2e --dev-server-target= --base-url=<URL of stratos>

If running Stratos on then instead execute

npm run e2e-dev

Running tests on Browserstack

You can run the E2E tests on Browserstack instead of with a local browser.

To do so, configure the following environment variables:

BROWSERSTACK_USERYesYour Browserstack user ID
BROWSERSTACK_KEYYesYour Browserstack key
BROWSERSTACK_TARGETYesThe Browser (and OS) to use (see below)
BROWSERSTACK_RESOLUTIONNoScreen resolution to use

For more information on project, build and name, see:

The BROWSERSTACK_TARGET environment variable can be just a Browser name, e.g. Chrome, or a name and version (separated by a space), e.g. Chrome 69.

You can also specify which OS to use by separating the OS and browser with a /, e.g. Windows/Chrome. You can also specify the OS version by separating with a space, e.g. Windows 10/Chrome. You can fully described the OS and Browser with Windows 10/Chrome 69.

For more information on supported Operating Systems/devices and browsers, see and

As an example, to run the E2E tests against a locally run Stratos dev system, use:

BROWSERSTACK_TARGET="Chrome" npm run e2e-dev

Note: This assumes you have set the BROWSERSTACK_USER and BROWSERSTACK_KEY environment variables already.

Running the tests in this manner uses the browserstack-local npm package to allow the tests to run against your local system. To ensure that BrowserStackLocal processes are not left running if a test run is aborted, all BrowserStackLocal processes are terminated when the E2E test process exits.

Note: When the E2E tests are run using BrowserStack, the test reporter is modified to include timing information to help correlate tests to the captured video of the test run.