Version: 4.0.1

Associate a Cloud Foundry database service

As described in the standard cf push instructions here Stratos, when deployed via cf push, does not contain any way to persist data over application restarts and db entries such as registered endpoints and user tokens are lost. To resolve this a Cloud Foundry db service can be bound to to it. Run through the steps below to implement.

  1. Create a Database Service Instance

    NOTE Stratos supports postgresql and mysql DBs. Stratos will enumerate the bound service instances to detect the database type - see below for more detail.

    Use cf create-service to create a service instance for the DB - for example:

    cf create-service postgresql v9.4 console_db
    • In this example, postgresql is the service name for the Postgres DB service, v9.4 is the service plan and console_db is the name for the service instance that will be created.
    • To view services and service plans:
      cf marketplace

    You can also create an User-Provided Service Instance:

    cf cups console_db -p '{"uri": "postgres://", "username":"console_appuser", "password":"***", "hostname":"", "port":"5432", "dbname":"console_db" }'
  2. Associate the new service with Stratos via the Manifest

    • Add the service name to the services section of Stratos's manifest.yml, for example:
    • console_db
    • This specifies that Stratos should bind to the service instance named console_db
  3. Push the app via cf push

    cf push

Note on Service Bindings

Stratos will look through all service instances that are bound to it and filter those to determine which are database services. It determines:

  • A Postgres database service if it has a uri field in the credentials object which begins with the string "postgres://" or it has a tag "postgresql"

  • A MySQL database service if it has a uri field in the credentials object which begins with the string "mysql://" or it has a tag "mysql"

If there is a single database service instance, Stratos will use that.

If there are multiple database service instances, Stratos will look for one with a tag of "stratos".