If you have problems when deploying Stratos as a Cloud Foundry application, check that the Application Security Group you have will allow Stratos to communicate with the Cloud Foundry API.
The Stratos Console will automatically detect the API endpoint for your Cloud Foundry. To do so, it relies on the cf_api value inside the VCAP_APPLICATION environment variable.
To check if the variable is present, use the CF CLI to list environment variables, and inspect the VCAP_APPLICATION variable under System-Provided.
$ cf env console
Getting env variables for app console in org SUSE / space dev as admin...
"application_id": ...,
"application_name": "console",
"application_uris": ...
"application_version": ...,
"cf_api": "http://api.cf-dev.io",
No user-defined env variables have been set
If the cf_api environment variable is absent then set the CF_API_URL variable. See the following Setting the CF_API_URL env variable in the manifest section.
However, if the cf_api environment variable is present, and an HTTP address is specified, it is possible that insecure traffic may be blocked. See the following Setting the CF_API_FORCE_SECURE env variable in the manifest section.
Setting the CF_API_URL env variable in the manifest#
To specify the Cloud Foundry API endpoint, add the CF_API_URL variable to the manifest, for example:
Setting the CF_API_FORCE_SECURE env variable in the manifest#
To force the console to use secured communication with the Cloud Foundry API endpoint (HTTPS rather than HTTP), specify the CF_API_FORCE_SECURE environment in the manifest, for example: