Version: 4.2.0

Frontend Tests



Run npm run lint to execute tslint lint checking.

Unit tests

Run npm test to execute the unit tests via Karma. Coverage information can be found in ./coverage

To execute an individual package run ng test <package name>. To execute the tests again automatically on code changes add --watch=true

NOTE npm test will search for chrome on your path. If this is not so please set an env var CHROME_BIN pointing to your executable (chromium is fine too).

End-to-end tests

Run npm run e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

Run npm run e2e-dev to execute end-to-end tests against a locally running instance on https://localhost:4200

More information on the E2E tests and pre-requisites for running them is available here - E2E Tests.

Code Climate

We use Code Climate to check for general code quality issues. This executes against Pull Requests on creation/push.

Running Code Climate locally

Generally we would not advise doing this and just rely on the code climate gate to run when pull requests are submitted

To run locally see instructions here to install Code Climate CLI and engine via docker. Once set ensure you're in the root of the project and execute the following (it may take a while)

codeclimate analyze

NOTE Unfortunately this highlights all current issues and not those that are the diff between any master and feature branch. Analyze can be ran against a single/sub set of files, again with all current issues, but a little more digestible.

codeclimate analyze <path to file/s>

In a feature branch to compare files that have changed to master, for instance, use the following

git checkout feature-branch-A
codeclimate analyze $(git diff --name-only master)

You can also run the above command via npm

npm run climate

Stratos Continue Integration

For each new pull request and any subsequent pushes to it the following actions are executed

  • Code quality analysis via Code Climate -
  • Jenkins CI run, covering..
    • Frontend lint check
    • Backend lint check
    • Frontend unit tests
    • Backend unit tests
    • End to end tests
  • Security anaylsis via Snyk -