Version: 4.1.0

Frontend Development

Introduction to the stack

Before making changes to the frontend code you should be familiar with

  1. Angular
  2. Typescript / ES6
  3. Redux / NGRX / Observables
  4. Node / NPM

There are a some introduction style resources here. There's also some advice on helpful VS code plugins. If you feel comfortable with these and are happy with your dev environment please skip straight to Set up Dependencies.

Set up Dependencies

  • Set up a Stratos backend. Both backend and frontend exist in this same repo. Follow the Backend Development set up guide.
  • Install NodeJs (if not already install) (minimum node version 12.13.0)
  • Install Angular CLI (if not already install) - npm install -g @angular/cli

Run the frontend

  1. Run npm install
  2. Run npm start for a dev server. (the app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files)
    • If this times out please use npm run start-high-mem instead
    • To change the port from the default 4200, add -- --port [new port number]
    • To stop the automatic reload every time a resource changes add -- --live-reload false
    • To do both the above use -- --live-reload false --port [new port number]
  3. Navigate to https://localhost:4200/. The credentials to log in will be dependent on the Jetstream the console points at. Please refer to the guides used when setting up the backend for more information


The normal dev cycle does not require a direct build.

Run npm run build to build the project.

The build artefacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. This will output a production build of the application.

Creating angular items via angular cli

To create a new angular component run ng generate component component-name. You can use a similar command to create other types of angular items ng generate <directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module> <name>.


We use the angular material theming mechanism. See here for more information about theming new components added to stratos.

Additional Information


Documentation on extensions can be found here. From a developers perspective extensions are managed by npm packages. The default set are in ./src/frontend/packages, any package added directly here will be automatically included by the build.

At build time the Stratos Devkit (./src/frontend/packages/devkit) will ensure all packages are imported correctly and theming, both component and console level, are applied correctly. The devkit is automatically built in postinstall after npm install is ran. To directly build it npm run dev-setup can be executed.


Configuration information can be found in two places

  • ./proxy.conf.js
    • Informs the frontend where the backend is
  • ./src/frontend/packages/core/src/environments/environment.ts for developer vs production like config
    • This contains more general settings for the frontend and does not usually need to be changed
    • Backend configuration