Version: 4.1.0

Connecting Prometheus-boshrelease to Stratos

Stratos can show some metrics stored in Prometheus.

A Prometheus server is required with a firehose exporter configured to take metrics from the Cloud Foundry Firehose and store them in the Prometheus server.

One option for deploying and configuring such a Prometheus server is with prometheus-boshrelease.

Configuring Prometheus-boshrelease for use with Stratos

In order for Stratos to work with your Prometheus BOSH release, when deploying prometheus-boshrelease you need to set the metrics_environment value.

The metrics_environment value must be set to the value of the doppler_logging_endpoint for your Cloud Foundry, with the prefixing wss:// protocol removed.

For example, for PCF Dev, you would set the metrics_environment value when deploying with bosh, by adding the following to your bosh deploy command:


Once deployed, you should wait until the firehose target is available and its status is UP.

Connecting Prometheus to Stratos

To view metrics within Stratos, you must connect the Prometheus server to Stratos, to do so:

  1. Go to the endpoints view
  2. Click the '+' icon to register a new endpoint
  3. Select the endpoint type Metrics
  4. Enter a memorable name for your metrics endpoint for the Name
  5. Enter the URL of the Prometheus server for the Endpoint Address
  6. Click 'Finish`
  7. Click on the three-dot menu icon on the right-hand-side of the endpoint you just added above in the endpoints list and click the menu icon
  8. Click 'Connect' in the pop-up menu
  9. Change the Auth Type to No Authentication
  10. Check the Share this endpoint connection - this allows all users to view metrics using this connection. Note that only Administrators will be able to view Cell metrics and that users can only view Application metrics for applications that they have permissions to view.
  11. Click Connect

The view should refresh to show the Metrics endpoint. You can click on the endpoint name in the table to show some basic metadata about the metrics endpoint. If everything is configured correctly, it should show you that the metrics endpoint is providing metrics for your Cloud Foundry deployment.

Metrics should now be available on the view for an Application and also on the Cells tab of the Cloud Foundry view.

PCF Dev Example

The instructions below illiustrate how to deploy and configure prometheus-boshrelease using bosh-lite and a local PCF Dev deployment.

Follow instructions here to bring up a local bosh-lite deployment.

Run these two steps to update the deployment and load the stemcell:

bosh -e vbox update-cloud-config bosh-deployment/warden/cloud-config.yml
bosh -e vbox upload-stemcell \
--sha1 1dad6d85d6e132810439daba7ca05694cec208ab

Clone the prometheus-boshrelease GitHub repository and change directory into it:

git clone
cd prometheus-boshrelease

You need to create two UAA Clients (ensure you have the uaac CLI installed):

uaac target --skip-ssl-validation
uaac token client get admin -s admin-client-secret
uaac client add cf_exporter \
--name cf_exporter \
--secret prometheus-client-secret \
--authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
--authorities cloud_controller.admin_read_only \
--scope openid,cloud_controller.admin_read_only
uaac client add firehose_exporter \
--name firehose_exporter \
--secret prometheus-client-secret \
--authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
--authorities doppler.firehose \
--scope openid,doppler.firehose

Store the Bosh CA Certificate in a file:

echo $BOSH_CA_CERT > bosh_ca_cert

Get the BOSH URL by examining your config file:

cat ~/.bosh/config

Find the vbox environment and make a note of the url field - set an environment variable BOSH_IP to this value.

You can now deploy Prometheus Bosh Release with:

bosh -d prometheus deploy manifests/prometheus.yml \
--vars-store tmp/deployment-vars.yml \
-o manifests/operators/monitor-bosh.yml \
-v \
-o manifests/operators/monitor-cf.yml \
-v \
-v \
-v uaa_clients_cf_exporter_secret=prometheus-client-secret \
-v uaa_clients_firehose_exporter_secret=prometheus-client-secret \
-v traffic_controller_external_port=443 \
-v skip_ssl_verify=true \
-v bosh_password=${BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET} \
-v bosh_username=${BOSH_CLIENT} \
-v bosh_url=https://${BOSH_IP}:25555 \
--var-file bosh_ca_cert=bosh_ca_cert

Wait for deployment to complete.

List the instances in the deployment with:

bosh instances -d prometheus

Find the IP Address for the prometheus2 instance. The Prometheus endpoint will be: http://IP:9090.

Open a web browser and load the Prometheus URL. open the Status menu and select targets. Refresh the page until the firehose target is up.

Note: It can take a few minutes before all of the targets appear in Prometheus and their state becomes UP. You should see targets named bosh, cf and firehose as well as many others if everything is working correctly.

You should now be able to follow the Connecting Prometheus to Stratos instructions for registering and connecting Prometheus to Stratos.