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Theming Stratos

Stratos provides a mechanism for customizing the theme, including:

  • Changing colors
  • Changing image assets (favorite icon, login background and logo)
  • Using additional fonts
  • Adding/Overriding styles
  • Applying theme colors to components

Theme's are best encapsulated in a new npm package. It should contain the usual package.json file with a stratos section which will contain some of the theme customizations.

An example of the type of package that can be created can be found in the ACME example. To run Stratos with these customizations see here.


Stratos uses Material Design and the angular-material library and uses the same approach to theming.

To create your own theme you will need to create a color pallet and provide it to Stratos as a material theme. This theme can also contain additional colors that customize core parts of the page (header, side navigator menu, avatar, etc).

To do this create the file _index.scss in the root of your theme package. This should contain a Stratos scss function that will return a theme object via the Stratos helper function stratos-theme-helper, for example.

Core Pallet

In most cases you will probably want to generate a palette for the primary color for your version of Stratos - an example custom.scss for this is shown below:

$acme-primary: (50: #e8eaf6, 100: #c5cbe9, 200: #9fa8da, 300: #7985cb, 400: #5c6bc0, 500: #3f51b5, 600: #394aae, 700: #3140a5, 800: #29379d, 900: #1b278d, A100: #c6cbff, A200: #939dff, A400: #606eff, A700: #4757ff, contrast: ( 50: #000000, 100: #000000, 200: #000000, 300: #000000, 400: #ffffff, 500: #ffffff, 600: #ffffff, 700: #ffffff, 800: #ffffff, 900: #ffffff, A100: #000000, A200: #000000, A400: #ffffff, A700: #ffffff, ));
$mat-red: ( 50: #ffebee, 100: #ffcdd2, 200: #ef9a9a, 300: #e57373, 400: #ef5350, 500: #f44336, 600: #e53935, 700: #d32f2f, 800: #c62828, 900: #b71c1c, A100: #ff8a80, A200: #ff5252, A400: #ff1744, A700: #d50000, contrast: ( 50: $black-87-opacity, 100: $black-87-opacity, 200: $black-87-opacity, 300: $black-87-opacity, 400: $black-87-opacity, 500: white, 600: white, 700: white, 800: $white-87-opacity, 900: $white-87-opacity, A100: $black-87-opacity, A200: white, A400: white, A700: white, ));
// Create palettes
$acme-theme-primary: mat-palette($acme-primary);
$acme-theme-warn: mat-palette($mat-red);
// Create a theme from the palette (secondary theme is the same as the primary in this example)
$stratos-theme: mat-light-theme($acme-theme-primary, $acme-theme-primary, $acme-theme-warn);
// Create a similar theme but make it for dark mode
$stratos-dark-theme: mat-dark-theme($acme-theme-primary, $acme-theme-primary, $acme-theme-warn);

Stratos Colors

Additional Stratos colors can be customized by supplying more colors to the theme object. Defining these colors helps reduce the amount of custom css the theme has to use.

You do not have to specify all of these - defaults will be used if they are not set.

app-background-colorBase color to show in the background of the application
app-background-text-colorColor of text when placed on the basic background
side-navSee below
statusSee below
subdued-colorLighter color meant to be a subdued version of the primary color
ansi-colorsSee below
header-background-colorBackground color for the main stratos header
header-foreground-colorForeground color for the main stratos
stratos-title-show-textBoolean - Show Stratos or provided title with the large logo in the about page, default log in page, etc
header-background-spanDoes the header background color span across the top, or is the sidenav background color used for the top-left portion
underflow-background-colorBackground colors to use for things like the about page header (underflow)
underflow-foreground-colorBackground colors to use for things like the about page header (underflow)
link-colorColor for hyperlinks
link-active-colorColor of visited hyperlinks
user-avatar-background-colorBackground color of the default avatar in the main header
user-avatar-foreground-colorForeground color of the default avatar in the main header
user-avatar-underflow-invert-colorsBoolean - Invert the user-avatar colors
user-avatar-header-invert-colorsBoolean - Invert the user-avatar colors in the main header
intro-screen-background-colorColor of the background to introduction style screens (log in, log out, etc)

Side Nav Colors

Colors that define how the top level navigation menu on the left of Stratos appears.

backgroundBackground color of the side nav
textColor of text when menu item is not selected
activeColor of background of a selected item
active-textColor of text of a selected item
hoverColor of background of an item when hovered on
hover-textColor of text of an item when hovered on

Status Colors

Colors that are associated with the standard levels of statuses.


Ansi Colors

Terminal style set of colors to show for logging output.


Dark theme

By default the theme will not contain a dark mode and the UX for enabled/disabling it will be hidden.

In order to add a dark mode to your theme an additional dark color theme should be provided by the stratos-theme theme function in your theme's _index.scss, for example in _index.scss.

@function stratos-theme() {
$theme: stratos-theme-helper($stratos-theme);
@return (
default: create-custom-theme($stratos-theme),
dark: create-dark-theme()

Within the dark theme the default theme's additional Stratos colors can be overwritten.


Replace Stratos Images

Images that Stratos uses can be overwritten by a theme, for example the logo and favicon. To do so the new images should be added to the package and then referenced in the theme's package.json including the path of the image they overwrite. Below are some prominent examples.

File namePathDescription
favicon.icofavicon.icoFavorite icon to use
logo.pngcore/assets/logo.pngLogo to use on login screen and about page
nav-logo.pngcore/assets/nav-logo.pngLogo to use in the top-left side navigation for the application logo

The nav-logo.png logo should have a height of 36px and a maximum width of 180 pixels.

Files written to core/assets should be done in one line. In the example below both logo.png and nav-logo.png and done via the one line

Example package.json

"stratos": {
"assets": {
"assets/core": "core/assets",
"assets/favicon.ico": "favicon.ico",

New Images

When images are used by custom components they should also be referenced in the theme's package.json. Whole folders can be included and should be written to core/assets. When references by the components they use that path src="/core/assets/custom_image.png"

"stratos": {
"assets": {
"local/assets": "core/assets",


Any custom fonts used by the theme or extensions can be provided in a similar way to images, the files should be added to the theme's package and then referenced in the theme's package.json.

"stratos": {
"assets": {
"assets/fonts": "suse/fonts"


We don't generally recommend modifying styles, since from version to version of Stratos, we may change the styles used slightly which can mean any modifications you made will need updating. Should you wish to do so, you can modify these in the same _index_.scss. For example the Acme_index.scss imports a file that adds a text color

body.stratos {
.favorite-list {
.app-no-content-container {
color: $acme-dark-blue;

Note that the class stratos has been placed on the BODY tag of the Stratos application to assist with css selector specificity.


Angular components in your packages can be themed, which provides them access to the theme's colors. To do this, in your extensions package that contains the components (this may be different to your theme package), add a _all-theme.scss file containing a scss function. This function should be referenced in the package's package.json and is called by the Stratos extension mechanism.

The _all-theme.scss and package.json content may look like below

@mixin apply-theme-suse-extensions($stratos-theme) {
$theme: map-get($stratos-theme, theme);
$app-theme: map-get($stratos-theme, app-theme);
"stratos": {
"theming": "sass/_all-theme#apply-theme-suse-extensions",

Component theme files can then be defined and their own scss functions being called from _all-theme.scss

@mixin apply-theme-suse-extensions($stratos-theme) {
@include kube-analysis-report-theme($theme, $app-theme);
@mixin kube-analysis-report-theme($theme, $app-theme) {
$backgrounds: map-get($theme, background);
$background: mat-color($backgrounds, card);
$background-color: map-get($app-theme, app-background-color);